As a cybersecurity expert and researcher, Sam Jadali’s dedication and passion in the security space has been alive and well before the cloud. He has spent the last 20+ years in the hosting industry, and he founded Host Duplex 9 years ago. His passion for security started in 2003 after his server was breached by a hacker who later helped patch his server.
Sam’s research has been featured on the front page of the The Washington Post and Ars Technica. His work has also been featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, WIRED, Consumer Reports, PC Magazine, and dozens of other media outlets. He advocates for data privacy rights by serving as a congressional consultant and advises the Federal Trade Commission on data privacy policy. He provides expert opinions on data privacy issues including recently being featured on Al Jazeera.
Sam’s clients include some of the most visited sites on the internet including MacRumors.com. He quickly realized that client education is vital not only for his success but for their success. With his in-depth knowledge of security and compliance regulations, he continually educates his clients on how to be preemptive with security.
What most don’t know about Sam is that he has no formal education in the computer sciences. He took his only computer science-related college course (DOS) at the age of 11, and started his first hosting company at the age of 13. His previous hosting company, Livin4.com, was acquired during his senior year at the University of Iowa. Much of his knowledge of data privacy and security related matters has been through his work at Host Duplex.
Sam regularly speaks about data privacy and security related matters at conferences and workshops around Canada and the United States. He is a frequent speaker at WordCamps around the country. You can always find him at the annual cybersecurity conferences in Las Vegas.
Sam is the Founder & CEO at Host Duplex.